The Bet is a North American short film, released in 1992. The film is set in New York, and centres around two brothers who inherit a deli from their father. The younger brother Harry develops a gambling problem soon after.

The Bet is a drama, focused on the negative affects a gambling addiction can have on a person’s life.

The Bet Cast and Crew

The bet was written by Gavin O’Connor, and directed by Ted Demme. Cinematography was done by Adam Kimmel and the film was edited by Hughes Winborne. John Terelle, Michael Wolfe, and Lou Marini composed the soundtrack for The Bet.

The Bet’s two lead actors are Josh Mosby, and John B. Hickey, who play Harry and Henry Hicks respectively. Alongside them, Vinny Pastore plays Nino; David Little plays Lenny, and Carbo is portrayed by Anthony Crivello. The role of the man placing the bet during The Bet is played by Pete Castelli

The Bet Synopsis

Two brothers, Harry and Henry Hick, inherit a deli in New York from their father who has passed away. Harry, the younger of the two brothers, has started gambling, and finds himself falling into more and more debt, and is desperately trying to find a way out. Henry attempts to assist his brother as best he can as he watches his brother fall into addiction.

Analysis of The Bet

The Bet is an interesting short film, as it portrays two different sides of addiction. Firstly, we have the perspective of the addict himself, in this case, Harry’s addiction to gambling. Harry is impulsive and greedy, and will stake everything at the risk of losing it all. Harry can be seen as the personification of selfishness in the short film, as he does not understand or accept the consequences of his actions. On the other hand, if Harry does in fact realise the consequences, then he continues not to care until he is in extreme debt.

Henry, alternatively, is the rational, logical brother in The Bet, and his perspective shows what the reality of watching a loved one slowly fall to an addiction. Henry loves his brother and wants the best for him, and despite the fact that Harry continues to dig himself deeper into trouble, Harry remains loyal.

Like a great look at sports betting sites by, The bet is a unique view of the inner conflict that can arise when two people of completely different personalities collide, and the suspense, and tension that builds up as the addict tries his best to pull himself out of his downward spiral. The Bet can lend itself to many different situations involving the addiction of a loved one, and offers viewers a different angle on the same dire situation.

The Bet Trivia

The Bet was later remade into an episode of Shortcuts in 2000, starring Louis C.K. and Magy Wyldman. The director of The Bet, Ted Demme, stated that they were unable to record a live horse race due to budget restraints, and therefore, during the horse race, viewers are only able to see the face of Harry as he watches on.